Thursday, September 17, 2009


Today is a pretty good fiscal day! I say that because as of right now(....and I mean, this very minute) my bills are paid up and I have no urgent financial issues. That could change by the time I'm finished writing this post so I'm very grateful for the here and now. With that being said my focus for today's entry is my incredibly overindulged 19 year old son.
Let me start by saying, I love this boy with all of my heart. He is my first born and a dynamic young man if I say so myself. However, he is in the "finding himself" phase of his life. And I, for one, have had enough! He decided to wait a semester to start college so that he could work full time and save up money before he goes. Which I thought was a good idea because the financial situation that I'm in does not afford him the luxury of just packing up his belongings and heading off to a dorm without care or worry about how the tuition will be paid. I thought, here was my son, making a responsible financial decision. I couldn't have been more proud of his apparent leap into maturity. Well, that would have been nice had things actually unfolded as in the aforementioned plan. But we are talking about a 19 year old here. One that has grown up in the age of all things digital. One that has never known the harsh reality life without starbucks. And one that I fully admit has suffered from a severe case of spoiling by his mother, grandmother and various other relatives. So although he had somewhat cavalier intentions to become gainfully employed and make an ernest investment in his future. He has yet to procure any form of employment. He's been spending his days sleeping until noon. Then quickly showering, getting dressed and heading out to, what might look like to the untrained eye, an attempt to find a job but instead he ends up just hanging out with his also unemployed friends as they sit around commiserating about how hard it is to find work. But I've seen their idea of looking for work. It consists of filling out a few online applications on company websites and asking friends with jobs if their employer is hiring. Whatever happened to getting off your behind, going to an actual place of business, asking for an application, filling it out, handing it in and sitting down for an interview. When I mentioned this process to my beloved son, his reaction was one of shock and awe. These kids today are so "internet trained" they don't really know how to interact the old fashioned way. Its' sad. And the worst part is.....I'm to blame. I'm willing to take responsibility for my part. I should have seen this coming.

So what do I do now? I'm not one of those mother's that just pulls the covers over her head and hopes that the situation will just work itself out. I'm all for being proactive and attempting to make him be accountable for his life and actions. I remind him everyday that he needs to find a job because freeloading is not a paid position in our house. I would never kick him out (he'd never survive and neither would I) but I need to figure out a way to get him motivated. Suggestions anyone?

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